Page name: As the Night Goes On [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-17 03:45:57
Last author: YokoTsuta
Owner: YokoTsuta
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As the Night Goes On


This wiki is a book [YokoTsuta] and [Raiko Fire] are co-writing. It's a work in progress, due to me (Yoko) not feeling inspired at the moment. I know that Rei will force inspire me soon <.<;

Dedicated to Mrs. Melissa Miraglia Whitaker, dearly departed teacher, friend, and a great Christian influence to us

Also dedicated to Miriam Atherton, my ([YokoTsuta])'s grandmother, who recently passed away after years of alzheimers.


[YokoTsuta] - the Author (Yok: more like slave o.O;)

[Raiko Fire] - the evil publisher woman ^^ (I stole yoko's cds, pencils, books, batteries, cd player, etc. o.O just to get her to write ^^ ah... torment is fun...)



NEW!!! Mini Prologue: Hana's Soliloquy


Chapter One: One Rainy Night

Chapter Two: A Stranger in the Dark

Chapter Three: The Plot Thickens

Chapter Four: Rose Blood

Chapter Five: Round the Corner

Chapter Six: Sad Performances

Chapter Seven: Silver

Chapter Eight: 21

Chapter Nine: Crimson Tears

Chapter Ten: Bound to the East

Chapter Eleven: Cheerful Contempt

Chapter Twelve: Sunlight Blues

Chapter Thirteen: Lifeblood

Chapter Fourteen: Down in the Dark

Chapter Fifteen: Riku's Demise

Chapter Sixteen: New Beginnings

Chapter Seventeen: Rules


ATNGO New Years Special ~05


ATNGO Characters


As the Night Goes On Readers Please sign!


Our Philosophy on Vampires


Meet the Authors




<img:" alt="Asbestos Disease">


Hey! We won a place in The Wiki Awards! ^^ thankies!

Wiki name: As the Night Goes On

Comment from the bosses:
A good RPG needs to have constant actualizations, needs to appeal to a large public that finds it interesting and may be well written. This one fills the description and has a lot of reading to do, with gives you lots of information and background for the actions. Also, the organization is neat and everything looks clean and well thought.

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2004-10-11 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yes he's cute, but Hana's cooler.^^

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: ;_; Do we have to have an arguement over this or what? I like Riku TT;

2004-10-11 [Raiko Fire]: Riku >>

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: huh?

2004-10-11 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: In a Riku vs Hana Riku will win in looks, Hana will win in attitude.^^ This soreminds me of Paradise Kiss

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: never heard of it o0 and Hana's a clutz

2004-10-11 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: AShe's got haven't heard of Paradies Kiss?!! You must read it!

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: Tell Rei to buy it. >>;

2004-10-11 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *shakes Rei* You must get her Paradise Kiss! It's an awesome Manga considering I'm not a huge fan of Shoujo(manga for girls, Shonen is manga for boys^^) manga

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: *slowly edges away*

2004-10-11 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I'm done.^^ *goes back to reading Rurouoni Kenshin*

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: ah, thank you. ^^

2004-10-11 [YokoTsuta]: I have a feeling it's gonna be a while for the next chapter...

2004-10-12 [Raiko Fire]: I didn't like Paradise Kiss... the art's creepy ><

2004-10-12 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I know, but that's what made it funny.^^ Fushigi Yugi is also A good series, I can't find anyone who sells volume three though. >.<

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: We've already gone through Fushigi Yugi ^^ DVDs

2004-10-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: The manga, not the DVDs, I'm getting those for Christmas. Have you seen Ceres: Celestial Legends? I ahve that on VHS and I've read 1 and 6-8.^^

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: Nah...looked creepy. And I ran out of money for any others. TT

2004-10-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: It's creepy, but soooo cool!^^

2004-10-13 [Raiko Fire]: I have every episode and oav of Fushigi Yugi ever made ^^ and 5 of the manga

2004-10-13 [Channy]: ...I'm on a fruits basket binge XD

2004-10-13 [Raiko Fire]: I have the 5 manga so far o.o and an anime trailer XD

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: Have I seen the trailer? o.o;

2004-10-13 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I want the manga. T.T

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: Hee Hee, I have the 5th one in my backpack right now ^^

2004-10-13 [Raiko Fire]: I don't think so, Yok

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: Sowwy I talking bout Fruits basket ^^; This one is kinda dull though, ain't it? 0o

2004-10-13 [Raiko Fire]: very TT and I want S*ensual Phrase back ><

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: Oh...okay. Want the Ducky one too? XD

2004-10-13 [Raiko Fire]: *thinks* you have Duck Prince? o.o I want it back! >< *whines*

2004-10-13 [YokoTsuta]: Fine 0o sheesh. You didn't want it back until I said I had it >>;

2004-10-14 [Channy]: ...I have the first DVD, the 4th manga (Blame my friend Sato-Kun, she got me hooked on it by lending me manga's 1-3) and a Kyo plushie ^^ I have much lurve for Kyo! ^^v

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: I know! Kyo-kun is so funny with the weird ticked off cat looks -^^-

2004-10-14 [Channy]: I think he's cute ^^ I also have much love for Ayame-san (Yay for year of the Snake)

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: Ayame's a bit...dense XD I like...*flips through book* Hatsuharu the Ox. ^^ And Shigure when he's tormenting his editor. I so wish I could do things like that ^^

2004-10-14 [Channy]: Momiji is sooooo kawaiiii! I want a momiji plushie! and yes, Shigure and HatsuHaru are awesome! ^^V

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: Momiji's a bit of an oddball ^^;;; I like the collar that Hatsuharu has ^_^

2004-10-14 [Channy]: yes yes, much fun!

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: I want one but my mom wouldn't let me wear it TT

2004-10-14 [Channy]: poor yok...I own one, but my Dad won't let me wear it

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: my dad and my mom wouldn't let me wear it ^^;;;

2004-10-14 [Channy]: my Mom doesn't care, my mom likes Gackt and fruits basket and i LOVE my mom!

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: my mom thinks I'm kinda nuts XD

2004-10-14 [Channy]: my mom knows I'm nuts XD

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: my mom expects a straight A student TT;

2004-10-14 [Channy]: My mom expects at least B's....but as long as it's just a general misunderstanding of the subject, she doesn't care...but if it's about heheheheh, my bum is grass@.@

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: *fol* XD

2004-10-14 [Channy]: ^^; whaaaaaat?

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: the bum is grass statement *rofl*

2004-10-14 [Channy]: well I can't say my az*z or your computer won't let you look at the vulgarity!>_<

2004-10-14 [YokoTsuta]: True. Then I'd have to hurt you. ^^

2004-10-14 [Channy]: m33pz *hides under a fluffy blue pillow

2004-10-14 [Raiko Fire]: I get straight A's and my mom buys the anime/manga/ Gackt stuff (even though she doesn't like any of it) AND I get to wear the collars and nets X3

2004-10-14 [Channy]: *glaaaaare* Don't rub it iiiiin

2004-10-14 [Raiko Fire]: *already did* << >> My mom wanted to call your mom about the con o.o >>

2004-10-14 [Channy]: about tomorrow? tonight wouldn't be well ^^;, Mom's out of it. You know...she's been napping all day @.@

2004-10-14 [Raiko Fire]: Mom's not home right now anyways o.o won;t be back until Sunday. Creepy job thing. She's in St. Petersburg right now c.c we'll get around to it ^^ tomorrow is Yok's b-day o.o

2004-10-14 [Channy]: oh wow...and yaaay for Yok

2004-10-14 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I see the theme! ...Mom! Happy B-day Yoko!

2004-10-16 [YokoTsuta]: Thanks -^^-

2004-10-16 [YokoTsuta]: let's just hope none of you kill me for Riku >>

2004-10-17 [Channy]: I won't *twiiiitch*

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: *backs away* Channy...don't do's's just a story...

2004-10-17 [Channy]: Lol I won't hurt you ^^ No worries

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *sniff*Sniff* RIKU!!! *cries*

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: *whew* Goody ^^ Besides, you wouldn't get the ending to the cliffhanger if ya killed me 0o

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: This is you live...for now...<insert 3vil laugh and lightning strike>. heh,heh J/K!BTW, thsi story should be read to Nightwalker some of the music just works well to it.^^

2004-10-17 [Channy]: true...that's always one tell me what happenes....I'm going in! *opens the chapter

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: >>

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: especially the theme it's the midi called 'begining' I have a translation if you want it (you kinda haveta ignore the first few seconds, I never understood why it was there >.<)

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: eh...0o *shrug*

2004-10-17 [Channy]: *blinks* I'm only on chpter 9....curses ;.;

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yeah, my latest anime obsession is Nightwalker.^^Good for Vampire lovers.^^

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: *falls over* better hurry up then

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *sweatdrops* Only 9!! You have dishounoured Riku! J/K

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: I've seen some of Nightwalker *whacks Mousy* Quit teasing XD

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Teasing? Moi?!

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: Yes, j00.

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *blink*blink*

2004-10-17 [Channy]: 10! >_< hurrah! It's hard to read and answer posts/messages @.@

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Go Channy!

2004-10-17 [Channy]: 11! now..I shall remain quiet untill done! >_<v

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *does a happy dance*

2004-10-17 [Channy]: *glares at moniter, profanties in many different languages being uttered* are eeeeviiiiiillll! ;.;

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: O__O uh oh..I fear the consequences.

2004-10-17 [Channy]: Lol, I won't hurt you...*blinks*...the chapters 9-12 reminded me of interview with a vampire a clue why v_v

2004-10-17 [Raiko Fire]: blame Yok -_- I TOOOLD you it was too close to IWTV! ;_; *does the poor editor cry* And I've seen all the episodes of NightWalker ^^

2004-10-17 [Channy]: *pooks Rei* Be nice! *poke poke poke poke* Yok is working hard!

2004-10-17 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: It didn't remind me much of it. I just need to see the last siox episodes and I'll be done.^^ I'll just rent thm ext time I'm at blockbuster. Yeah, Rei! It's a good story.^^

2004-10-17 [YokoTsuta]: Don't blame me! You're the plot manager most of the time! And I haven't watched that movie in ages, I've forgotten it by now X3

2004-10-17 [Channy]: Lol, the only part that had a glitter of iwav was the blood drinking part, and the sun chamber...that's it o.o;;;

2004-10-17 [Raiko Fire]: I was thinking in the third chapter when Hana was looking at all the portraits of Riku in the hall. Like the ones of Marious in Queen of the Darned ^^

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Ha,ha. Yeah, but Marius looked the same in all of them, and they were all of him.^^

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: TT; I wouldn't copy that old lady for a dime.

2004-10-18 [Raiko Fire]: a dime? o.O yeeeeeeeeeah..... n.n

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ??? Lostism...

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: Old lady refers to Ann Rice (however you spell it). TT

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Ahh...Now I get it...

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: *nods* yeah...and you're probably not gonna get the next chapter very soon XD

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: What?! Why?!

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: Cause I haven't even started on it yet -__-

2004-10-18 [adriane]: then start it please!!!!

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: *grumbles* I want a plot layout first, but I haven't even thought about making it. I'm too lazy. >>

2004-10-18 [adriane]: *starts holding pocky ransom* now you have inspiration

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: nuh uh...I not hungry...

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Fine then, we can only...kidnap the main chracters! *runs off with Riku*

2004-10-18 [adriane]: gggrrrrrggggghhhhh >< well why are you not doing it right now huh??

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: *gasp* o__o that's meaaaan...

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: 0.o You're right. *ties Riku to a post so all the fangirls can glomp him*

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: Riku shall die in the next chapter then =.=;

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: All the more reason for us to glomp him now. *glomps Riku*

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: *rolls eyes* whatever...although he wishes to protest your rude liking towards him and wishes for you to cease 0o;

2004-10-18 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *blinks* Okay.^^ But I'm leavng him tied to the post 'cause I'm lazy.

2004-10-18 [YokoTsuta]: I shall deprive you all of the next (hopefully much better) chapter! TT

2004-10-19 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yah-huh, how? *smirks* I have a trump card, I have a trump card!

2004-10-19 [Raiko Fire]: trump? Oo and we told Jenny, Andrea, and Megan he died e.e freaked the heck out of 'em o.o

2004-10-19 [YokoTsuta]: It was priceless, really. And I still haven't started the chapter. Besides, Mousy, you do NOT have a trump card TT;

2004-10-19 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yes I do...*pulls out a flamethrower* I'm a pyromaniac... Vampires and Pyros don' get along well.^^

2004-10-19 [Channy]: *steals the flamethrower* Don't heckle the writer e.e

2004-10-20 [Raiko Fire]: *throws hands in air* I have my halloween costume! I'm gonna be a wench from the Rose Blood ^^ I already have the costume made o.o

2004-10-20 [adriane]: whats rose blood???

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: *falls over* Rose Blood, the bar in the sotry. >.< read mor thoroughly, will ya? And Channy's right, don't heckle! Not nice! TT

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *sigh* Y'all are no fun...I'll be good, I promise. See! *unties Riku*

2004-10-20 [adriane]: sorry..... heeeeyyyy when did you get on!!^^ i thought rose blood sounded do know the definistion of wench right!?? see thats what go me confused see that word makes me think of pirate wench

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: The bar wench silly.^^ I'm going as Ningyoutsukai, this crazy guy from my manga.^^

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: I believe Rei meant that she was going to dress liek one of the girl/waitresses of the Rose Blood. And you had better behave, Mousy. *wags finger at her* No bad shtuff.

2004-10-20 [adriane]: heehee... me and my friends are going as pirate... I am a proud pirate wench ship captian!!! i have a whip^^

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *gives her innnocent eyes* I'm being good. I set poor Riku free, I could let him get a restraining order. You could lock me in a cage.^^ (uhh, discard the last idea)

2004-10-20 [adriane]: nono im not using it on you.....<<.....>>....Im using it on people who wont give me candy^^

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I was talking to Yoko...but I don't deserved to be whiped. *Hides behind Rath*

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: I was thinking about making a poofy-sleeved pirate-like shirt and doing something with it. Not sure though 0o And quit hiding behind my characters! >.<

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Fine! *hides behind Angel*  Angel: Why are you hiding behind me? I'm not gonna protect you.

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: *stares* I have no idea what j00 talkin bout. ^^;

2004-10-20 [adriane]: me neither....0.o

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: >.<

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Angel is one of the main chracters in my manga.^^

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: -__-; I'm tiiiired...

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Me too, I wanna finish typing up what I've got written of my Novel though. >.< I wanna get it to my beta reader tonight.^^

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: *still hasn't started on the next chapter* ugh...

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: It's okay Yok-chan.^^ Just curious, what do y'all thing of my thirty minutes in photoshop...most of the thirty being erasing green from the book cover to make it a clear layer.^^ It's the book cover for my Book Report.^^

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: Haven't noticed it...and since when am I Yok-chan? Yok-sama to j00! XD

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yes, Yok-sama. *bows*

2004-10-20 [Raiko Fire]: o.o *stare* we aren't even ALLOWED to read vampy books in school TT

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Hee, hee, I love scatterbrained lit teachers.^^ So what do you guys think? Did I do a good job?

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: (Muchly creepy, Mousy. I praise it XD *claps*) We can only do mysteries right now TT;

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: That stinks.^^ Thank you BTW.^^

2004-10-20 [Raiko Fire]: My class has historical fiction at the moment u.u

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Some historical fiction is good, other stuff is bad.

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Oro? So that's the problem.

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: TT;

2004-10-20 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Poor, Yok-sama. T.T

2004-10-20 [YokoTsuta]: I didn't know you'd actually start calling me that o.0;

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Heh,he, ask and you shall recieve, Yok-sama.

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *grins* A game Cube. ^^ Not really, although it would be nice. Way too distracting. I'll never get this dumb chapter finished. How about not calling me sama anymore though? Choose somethin else. Sama sounds formal >.<

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yok-san?

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Better! MUCH better!! XD

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yay!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *cough* yeah what? >>

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Umm...*Breaks into the six flags dance* Da do do do da do do, da do do do da do do!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: OH!! Have you seen the Halloween commercial? That one is actually scary o_o; and so are you at the moment *inches away*

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *stops dancing* I'm a very scary person.^^

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *nods* indeed *reaches for the door* ^^

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *sits on the floor* ^^

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: You're not going to do the dance again? >>;

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: No, I'm going to sit on the floor. It's a good floor. *pats the floor*

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Good. I finally got a page done of chapter thirteen today ^_^

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *is still sitting on the floor* Yay!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: (What's the deal with you and the floor? o.0) Yeah, but Rei had to make the plot ^^;;

2004-10-21 [adriane]: yay alright yok-san.... but where is it....

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: It's a good floor...floors stop me from doing scary things. >><<>> ^^!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Arg...don't heckle me again. I can't put up a single page of a chapter >_<

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I didn't do it!

2004-10-21 [adriane]: what do you mean single page??? i dont understand^^;;

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *sigh* two conversations. (good floor ^^) I said that I wrote one page's worth of the next chapter.

2004-10-21 [adriane]: ohh...........<<......>>....... so when are you putting it up again...^^";; nah im just kidding..... so whats with the floor ...... walks on floor

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: We ish talking bout t3h floor. just read what we've written before. Don't question -__-

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Darksh ish boundesh to da floorsh.

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *stares* you're bound to the floor? I hope ya don't mean literally o.o

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: No way.^^ I juast mean I don't do scary stuff when I'm on da floorsh!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: ah, good. e.e;

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: ^^ >.< 0.o YAYZEES!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: o.0 um...yeah....what are you yayzeeing about?

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Umm...I dunno...It seemed like the thing to do at the time

2004-10-21 [adriane]: right..........0.o

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: ^^;;; um..okeee...

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Good floor...

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: *coughs and shuffles toward exit* yeaaah...

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: *sits on the floor listening to the QOTD soudtrack* ^^!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: I listening to Chevelle (awesome band, btw. Lead singer's hot too X3)

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Yes, Cheville rocks, but so does Disturbed and the Kidneytheives. I'm actually listening to Fuel right now.^^

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Never heard of KidneyThieves. AFI is a great band but they're defined as punk, even though they're not. >_< Shinedown's awesome too ^^

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I like Evanescence, The Missing, 3 Doors Down, Mettalica, Linkin' park, Rammestein and a lot of others.^^

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Hmm...Muse, The Rasmus, Linkin Park ^^, AFI, the Killers, Led Zepplin, Jimmy Eat World, 3/11, Korn (cliche, I know e.e), and Nirvana ^^

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Korn and Nirvana rock! and who could forget Rob Zombie and Led Zepplin.^^!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: \m/ ^^ totally. And now Korn has the best of CD out. Led Zepplin kicks a** over everyone, though (in my opinion at least >>)

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: Amen!

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: Squee! I just got one of Zepplin's numerous Best Of CDs for my B-day. ^^ Stairway to Heaven #13 o.o

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I need that one. I aslo need the System of a Down CD that has Chop Suey on it.

2004-10-21 [YokoTsuta]: I have the Toxicity CD of them. ^^

2004-10-21 [Dark Mousy the Kaitou]: I ahve some burned CD, I forget the name.>.< Godsmack is another good band (sorry if you get blocked out from the page if mention it. >.<U)

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